Maci: DeLeon High School Senior

High school seniors forever have my heart… and Maci is truly a photographer’s dream! She is sweet, fun, up for adventure, and every outfit was on point, perfectly accessorized! Oh and did I mention she seriously might be a model??

This session was a long time coming, as we had to reschedule a couple times, but those somehow always end up being my very favorite sessions. We ended up being blessed with a warm and beautiful January day… one of the perks of living in Texas! If you didn’t know you could book your senior portraits in the dead of winter… well, just take a peek! Maci, you are gorgeous and I wish you all the best on your next adventure!

Aubrey: Stephenville High School Senior

Aubrey: Stephenville High School Senior

I have been DYING to share these photos since last weekend, this session was full of so much gorgeousness I could burst! I had so much fun getting to know Aubrey and her mom. I think we managed to hit all the highlights that Aubrey mentioned on her senior questionnaire: flowers, river, open fields, and prom dress photos with her boyfriend. Check, check check! Aubrey was truly stunning and so sweet… I seriously have the best clients!

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